Te Whare Tapa Wha is four wall that make a Whare, and help you get through life as one whole Whare. Taha Tinana- Physical, Taha Wairua- Spiritual, Taha Hinengaro- Mental and Emotional, and Taha Whanau- Family and Social.
I showed Whai Whakaaro/Thinker, by thinking into my Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional, and Family and Social. I did this by looking into my past and looking at what helped me through tough times and great times.
For Physical I choose Swimming, Dancefit, and my Cats. Swimming, I choose this because when something effects me physically I like to forget about it and go for a swim to keep my mind of things. Dancefit because I can get out a lot of my energy and it makes me feel happier. Cats because I can snuggle up with them and they bring me comfort.
For Spirtaural I choose the letter S, Reach values, and books. It is a tradition in my family that we name all of our pets starting with the letter S. For example, Stormy, Senna, Simba, and Sangio, the first two are our current pets, and the second two are sadly not here. Reach values are a word we use at school, they stand for, R- respect, E- excellence, A- Attitude, C- community, and H- have a heart. These are the values I try hard to show outside, and especially inside of school. Books are special to me, because when I read them it brings me joy and I'm not sure what I would do without them.
For Mental and Emotional I choose Reflection, Music, and Swimming. Reflection, because to move on you need to reflect and see what you could do next time to help the situation. Music because it helps calm me, and swimming for the sme reason in Physical.
Family and social is very important, because seeing family, friends and other/my cats can cheer me up alot and help when it comes to love, support, and advice.
What does Te Whare Tapa Wha mean to me? It means making sure every wall of the Whare stays up to insure that I stay happy, healthy, loved, and more. Keeping myself and others safe.